Liechtenstein NationalMuseum
Städtle 43
9490 Vaduz
Opening hours Liechtenstein NationalMuseum
Tuesday to Sunday 10 am to 5 pm
Wednesday 10 am to 8 pm
Monday closed
Special opening
15 August (National Day), 10 am to 8 pm, free entrance
Open on
Easter Monday
Whit Monday
1 May
26 December
Closed on
24 December
25 December
31 December
1 January

In Switzerland, take the A13 motorway to exit 9 Sevelen/Vaduz.
In Austria take the A14 motorway to exit 41 Feldkirch-Frastanz, then continue via Schaanwald to Vaduz.

From Switzerland by train to Sargans (CH); from there by bus LIEmobil line 11 or line 12E to Vaduz Post
From Switzerland by train to Buchs/SG (CH); from there by bus LIEmobil line 12 to Schaan Bahnhof and then by line 11 to Vaduz Post
From Austria/Germany by train to Feldkirch (A); from there by bus LIEmobil line 11 to Vaduz Post
Swiss Federal Railways (SBB)
Austrian Federal Railways (ÖBB)

Liechtenstein NationalMuseum (including audio guide)
Regular: CHF 10
Concessions: CHF 7
(students, apprentices, people with disabilities, senior citizens, groups of 10 or more people {per person})
Children / teenagers up to 16 years: free of charge
Liechtenstein NationalMuseum combined with Liechtenstein TreasureChamber (including audio guide)
Regular: CHF 13
Concessions: CHF 10
(students, apprentices, people with disabilities, senior citizens, groups of 10 or more people {per person})
Children / teenagers up to 16 years: free of charge
Free entrace for members of the following associations upon presenting a valid member card
- School classes
- Teachers (lesson preparation, accompanying school classes)
- "Freunde des Liechtensteinischen Landesmuseums e.V."
- "Historischer Verein für das Fürstentum Liechtenstein"
-"Liechtensteinische Kunstgesellschaft"
-" Museen und Schlösser Euregio Bodensee"
- Holders of a Swiss Museum Pass
- "Freundeskreis der österreichischen Landesmuseen "
- "Museumsverband Österreich "
- "Oskar – Ostschweizer Gästekarte"
- "V-Card Vorarlberg "
- "Bodensee Erlebniskarte"
- Teachers for preparation of school lessons and independent visit from school classes with teachers (up to 12th grade.)
- Members of the German Museum Association

The Liechtenstein NationalMuseum is completely barrier-free. A wheelchair is available, free of charge, for senior citizens and visitors with walking disabilities
Floor plans
Here you will find the floor plans of the LandesMuseum.

We will be happy to guide you through the permanent exhibition of the Liechtenstein NationalMuseum with our audio guide.