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Permanent exhibition Liechtenstein TreasureChamber

Eye-catching exhibits, ceremonial weapons, Fabergé eggs and moon rocks – the Liechtenstein TreasureChamber houses wonderful objects from the Princely Collection and extraordinary exhibits on Liechtenstein from around the world and beyond.

The Liechtenstein TreasureChamber showcases a collection of jewellery from five centuries that is unique in the alpine region. Visitors will experience a huge variety of works of art, handicrafts and eye-catching exhibits.

A large number of important pieces at the Liechtenstein TreasureChamber have been made available by "Liechtenstein. The Princely Collections Vaduz-Vienna". These include a fascinating perpetual calendar made for Emperor Rudolf II (ca. 1600), an armoured glove belonging to Emperor Maximilian II (1571) and a replica of the Princely Hat made for the first Prince of Liechtenstein, Karl I (1569-1627). The second focal point of the Liechtenstein TreasureChamber is the collection of the Liechtenstein art collector Adulf Peter Goop, including many works by Fabergé, which were donated to the Liechtenstein NationalMuseum in 2010.

Collection of the Prince of Liechtenstein

With its almost 900-year-old tradition, the House of Liechtenstein is one of the world’s oldest noble families. Its art collection, built up over four centuries, contains major works of European art and is one of the most important in the world. The Liechtenstein TreasureChamber displays a selection of exhibits such as magnificent weapons, hunting cutlery, and gifts presented to the Princely House by King Frederick II of Prussia and Emperor Joseph II of Austria.

Adulf Peter Goop Collection

As well as many graphics and paintings, this collection consists first and foremost of Easter eggs – it is the most diverse Easter egg collection of its kind in the world. The eggs are made of materials including gold, silver, gem-stones, porcelain and glass. Many are decorated with intricate enamel details.

The Liechtenstein TreasureChamber displays more than 100 eggs from all over the world, in particular Easter eggs from Russia.

Image from the Liechtenstein TreasureChamber

Of all the many Easter eggs in this collection donated by Adulf Peter Goop (1921-2011) to the country of Liech-tenstein, those dating from the time of the Tsars stand out. They were made by the leading goldsmiths of the age such as Karl Fabergé and Alexander Edvard Tillander. The collection, which today is one of the highlights of the Liechtenstein TreasureChamber, is considered one of the finest outside Russia. In addition to Fabergé's famous Apple Blossom Egg, other eggs, some of which are set with precious stones, are on display in the Liechtenstein TreasureChamber.

The Rhine Journey by Johann Ludwig Bleuler (1792-1850) is another highlight of the Goop Collection on show in the Liechtenstein TreasureChamber. In 80 gouaches, it depicts the European river which also forms the Liechtenstein’s western border on its way from its source in neighbouring Graubünden (Switzerland) to its estuary in the North Sea. Over many years, Goop was able to gather 77 of the 80 known paintings. A selection of these is on permanent display at the museum.

Image from the Liechtenstein TreasureChamber

"View of Vaduz" by Johann Ludwig (Louis) Bleuler. Gouache over etching, ca. 1820/30.

Moon rock

Liechtenstein’s industry features a number of world-leading companies in specialist fields. For example, Balzers AG (now part of Oerlikon AG) equipped the spacecraft of NASA's Apollo programme with a thin coating against cosmic radiation. Also in recognition of this, Liechtenstein received several pieces of moon rock from the first (Apollo 11, 1969) and the last (Apollo 17, 1972) manned lunar mission. Furthermore, a Liechtenstein national flag was sent to the moon on both missions. The moon rock and the flags can be seen in the Liechtenstein TreasureChamber.

Further information on Liechtenstein’s industry can be found in the IndustryWorld Liechtenstein, an exhibition opened in 2019 forming part of the Liechtenstein NationalMuseum.

Four moon rocks and the Liechtenstein flag that was on the moon. Apollo 11, 1969

Moon rock and the Liechtenstein flag that was on the moon. Apollo 11, 1969


360° View into the Liechtenstein TreasureChamber.