80 YEARS IN THE SERVICE OF HUMANITY Stamps on the Liechtenstein Red Cross
Andrea Kauer Loens, Director of the Liechtenstein NationalMuseum, welcomes you. Markus Burgmeier, Member of the Board of the Foundation of the Liechtenstein NationalMuseum, and Nicole Matt-Schlegel, Managing Director of the Liechtenstein Red Cross, speak the welcome remarks. Caroline Hilty, curator of the exhibition, Liechtenstein NationalMuseum, introduces the topic.
Humanity, Impartiality, Neutrality, Independence, Voluntary Service, Unity, Universality. These seven principles shape the work of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement. The Liechtenstein Red Cross (LRK) is part of this world’s largest humanitarian network and, as one of the country’s leading aid organizations, always puts people at the center.
Image rights Liechtenstein NationalMuseumlping the old”. Founding of the Liechtenstein Red Cross. Josef Seger 1945.
Image rights Liechtenstein NationalMuseum
Image rights Liechtenstein NationalMuseum
Image rights Liechtenstein NationalMuseum
From the series “Princess Gina – 40th anniversary of assuming the presidency of the Liechtenstein Red Cross”.
Image rights Liechtenstein NationalMuseum
50th anniversary of the Liechtenstein Red Cross. Ursula Kühne 1995.
Image rights Liechtenstein NationalMuseum
Image rights Philatelie Liechtenstein